Here's a nice little page dedicated to pics of my m8s (etc.).
This one's a classy snap of my 2 birdbrain m8s - Charlie and Shed - shaking hands over a football. Enjoy here, is a classic :
Wow, thanks for looking.
Next here now, enjoy. It's Cameron - looks like a God, neh? Like I say, enjoy:
Next up is a cheeky. It's of Charlie and Barney in Lithuania. Get ready, it's fun!
Let me know what you thought of that one. Birdbrain, no? I'm kidding.
Nat and Bill are having a laugh at something. I think it was at a joke that one of them told. Scroll down for some good memories:
Ah that takes me back.
The next one screams radiance. I call it "The Sun Queen bathes The Prince of Darkness". Hope you like it now:
Now it's my Birdbrain m8 Jess who is bronzing in the Catalonian sun:
If any of you ever try to steal any of my fucking ideas, I will track you down and gut you.